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Our Pillars

Pillar 1:





Increasing productivity and quality for farmers

Capacity building on conservation agricultural methods

Supplying inputs (seeds and fertilizers)

Facilitating the adoption of best agricultural practices

Creating a center of excellence


Exploring and seizing opportunities in the value chain

Bulking farmers’ produce

Facilitating access to high value markets for produce

Setting up maize mill/micro mills

Producing fortified porridge for the East African market


Boosting the income of the communities

Training on savings groups

Supporting savings and credit groups

Providing post harvest handling infrastructure

Providing mentorship for farmers

Pillar 2:

Driving Change Through the Local Church


Mobilizing smallholder farmers

Creating a community of farmers to learn and grow together

Providing leadership and structure to the group of farmers

Ensuring the Church is the focal point for trainings

Engaging the youth and women in the community


Fostering holistic transformation of lives

Facilitating purpose-driven life training

Providing discipleship training programs

Promoting family oriented initiatives (family ministry)


Empowering communities to address their problems

Empowering communities by using "Train the Trainer" model

Creating platforms for groups to address problems using local resources

Engage local government to provide training for the farmers

Mobilize members to participate in community initiatives and development programs

Pillar 3:

Partnering with Governments


Strategic partnership for national and local transformation

Creating an enabling environment for smallholder farmers

Building infrastructure that creates value in the communities

Addressing challenges and constraints within the agricultural sector

Mobilizing resources to increase food security


Equip local leadership with the skills to sustain the interventions

Engage local government throughout the project design and implementation

Equipping agronomists with skills to support the community

Involve local leaders in training and mentorship programs

Supporting local leaders in creating and implementing “home grown” solutions


Fostering accountability for healthy transformation

Creating systems that encourage downward accountability

Mobilize grassroots leaders to be engaged in the process within their villages

Continuous assessment of project progress

Benchmarking progress against relevant initiatives


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